The Voice of Women is a Revolution: Women in the Middle East's Uprisings
WoMENA and MESF invite you to attend our International Women’s Day public panel: The voice of women is a revolution: Women in the Middle East’s uprisings
This panel comprises a brilliant set of new researchers who will provide insight into their innovative take on pressing issues facing women in the Middle East.
Yasmin Chilmeran (chair)
Hadeel Abdelhameed | Women in the Iraqi uprising
Aslihan McCarthy | The politicization of women’s body in Turkish politics: An overview of secular vs. Islamist media
Scheherazade Bloul | The jailing of Hajar Raissouni
Azadeh Davachi | The Feb 2020 Iranian election
Download the flyer here.
11 March 2020, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Deakin Downtown
Level 12, Tower 2
727 Collins St, Melbourne
Please RSVP to by 4 March for catering purposes.
Speaker bios
Yasmin Chilmeran
Yasmin is a PhD candidate at Monash University’s Gender, Peace and Security Centre. Her doctoral research focuses on women’s participation in building peace and security in Iraq, paying close attention to women’s civil society organising and the role of international gender norms, including the Women, Peace and Security agenda. She has co-authored an article on social reproduction and statebuilding in the MENA region in Social Politics. Yasmin is also an American Political Studies Association’s (APSA) MENA Workshop fellow for 2019.
Hadeel Abdelhameed
Dr. Hadeel Abdelhameed is an Honorary Academic staff at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences/ English and Creative Arts department at La Trobe University. Her research interests revolve around the intersection of war, gender and performing arts with a focus on totalitarianism, inner conflicts, gender equity and creative activism in MENA, specifically, Iraq and Syria. She investigates the cultural representations of contemporary wars and conflicts with focus on women’s and young participation in peacebuilding and promoting social equality. Most broadly, her research is guided by interest in cultural representation of women in war drama, especially those aspects centring on gender codes during wartimes, gendering war account, the national war saga and the identity constructions during and post conflicts.
Aslihan McCarthy
Scheherazade Bloul
Scheherazade Bloul is a PhD Candidate at the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity and Social Justice at Deakin University. Her research aims to understand the intersections of social media, news media, and political participation among youth in post-2011 North Africa. Scheherazade is a program presenter at 3CR radio and works on university exchange programs between Australia and the MENA region.
Azadeh Davachi
Azadeh Davachi is a researcher, writer and women’s rights activist, living in Australia. I have been an activist since 2005, and have since been involved in several women’s rights campaigns both inside and outside of Iran. I have coordinated projects on Iranian women, and work as a board member of the Feminist school, one of the leading Iranian women’s rights centre in Iran. I have published several articles, commentaries and reports about the situation of women in Iran in online and printed journals in Persian and English. I am working as a freelance writer and commentator with BBC Persian, Radio Zamaneh, Iran International and several other Persian media outlets. I have published two books on Iranian women’s movement and two collections of poetry (in Persian). Currently I am finishing my study at Deakin University