Ahmed S. Hashim is Associate Professor of Strategic Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. He studied Politics and International Relations at Warwick University, Coventry, UK under Barry Buzan and Robert Skiddelsky where he received his B.A. He received his M.A. in Political Science at MIT where he studied Strategic Studies, International Relations and Comparative Politics with Hayward Alker, Lucian Pye, William Kaufmann, and Barry Posen. He received his Ph.D from MIT in Strategic Studies. He worked at the Centert for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. where he focused on security issues related to the Persian Gulf. He moved to the Center for Naval Analysis in Virginia where he worked on U.S. national security issues as they related to the Persian Gulf and the Indo-Pacific regions; specifically on interoperability and joint warfare and the evolution of the Chinese Navy (the PLA-N). He then worked for the United States Department of Defense where his work initially focused on future warfare matters, security in the Persian Gulf and Indo-Pacific regions. He also developed an expertise in Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism studies, Insurgency and Counterinsurgency and helped develop strategies for the U.S. military to prosecute the Global War on Terror. After 11 years, he moved to Asia to further his interest in Asian security issues. He worked at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies and the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute where he taught courses on Defence Analysis, Military History, Counterterrorism and Insurgency and Counterinsurgency. He contributed to the pre-deployment education of the Singapore military prior to deployment in Southwest Asia. Hashim also helped set up and headed the Research and Integrity unit of his department to ensure academic integrity and ethical conduct. After a decade in Singapore, Hashim moved permanently to Australia to work at Deakin University and the Canberra Centre for Defence Studies. His focus of attention for the coming years will be on the evolution of security issues in the Indo-Pacific particularly as they pertain to the security of Australia, contribute to ensuring the security of Australia, pursue the study and teaching of future war and grand strategies and improve his Mandarin and Russian language skills. He has recently completed five aerticles to be published by end of 2020 and early 2021. His forthcoming projects include completing two book projects and three articles on Asian security issues and also on future war.