Saeed Mohammad Mayor of Tehran?

Speculation rose today that number of disqualified candidates may be parachuted into the role of Mayor of Tehran, with Saeed Mohammad at the top of the list. The rumoured names also included Hossein Dehghan and Rostam Ghasemi both of whom, like Saeed Mohammad, have given their support to Ebrahim Raisi since standing down or being disqualified. Local council elections will take place throughout Iran on the same day as the Presidential election.

Read more at Donya-e-Eqtesad

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Hossein Dehghan Registers

Former IRGC Air-Force Officer and former Minister of Defence (2013-2017), Hossein Dehghan, arrived at registrations today in a suit rather than military uniform, and holding hands with his wife. Declaring the end of celebrity politics, Dehghan said “I come today with a real understanding of the demands and anger of the people, and with plans for the problems of the society”.

Read more and watch footage at Khabaronline

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Dehghan Approaches Musicians for Campaign

A music magazine has reported that the campaign manager of IRGC candidate Hossein Dehghan has approached three musicians about including their music and commissioning performances in support of his campaign. The musicians include two popular singers – Mohsen Chavoshi and Mostafa Ragheb – and classical Iranian musician Salar Aghili. According to the report, Chavoshi and Aghili had turned down the requests, but nothing is known about Ragheb’s response. In recent decades, candidates have sought the support of musicians, actors and other celebrities for their campaign. 

Read the report at CactusMusic

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Dehghan: An IRGC Candidate is not a Military Candidate

Hossein Dehghan, a former IRGC Brigadier-General and advisor to the Supreme Leader, today weighed into the debate about IRGC candidates, stating that a person with an IRGC background is not a military candidate. Dehghan’s reasoning is that although the IRGC is a military corps, it is essentially a political organisation and its members are political actors upon enlistment whose service is “never independent of the social, political and economic aspects of the country…[therefore] they never enter the political arena from a military base as they have never been absent from the political scene”.

Read the interview on Didbairan

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