Project Title: An Examination of Social and Political Factors Behind the Increasing Non-Religiosity in Tunisia.
Supervision Team: Prof. Ihsan Yilmaz and Prof. Fethi Mansouri
Biography: Dr Galib Bashirov is a PhD student at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University. He does research on state-society relations in the post-Soviet region and Turkey. His work has been published in Third World Quarterly, Democratization, Cambridge Review of International Affairs and Australian Journal of International Affairs. His PhD research aims to examine the social and political factors that have influenced the increase in non-religiosity in the Tunisian public opinion, and asks what are the main social and political factors behind the observed increase in non-religiosity in Tunisia since 2013. The ABS has recently discovered an uptick in non-religiosity in the Arab world, particularly in Tunisia. However, we do not know what social and political factors triggered this change. To test the influence of these three factors on religiosity in Tunisia, he will use quantitative survey analysis methods, in particular multivariate logistic regression. Visit Deakin page