On February 4 and 5, Professor Shahram Akbarzadeh, Dr Zahid Shahab Ahmed and Dr Dara Conduit travelled to Islamabad, Pakistan for meetings with partners and the public on to their Carnegie Corporation funded project on proxy war. The trip lead to fruitful discussions about the nature of proxy war in the current Syrian and Afghan conflicts, as well as brainstorming of potential policy solutions.
Feb 4
Project Partners meeting attended by Quaid-i-Azam University, the Pak Institute for Peace Studies and the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies
Press Conference to launch the project
Feb 5
Project Conference attended by more than 120 people on the ‘Strategic Dimensions of the Syrian and Afghan conflicts’, with speakers from the National University of Science and Technology (Pakistan), the Doha Institute (UAE), American University in the Emirates, National Defense University (Pakistan) and Quaid-i-Azam University (Pakistan).
Policy Dialogue – Closed door session for policy makers, government officials and academics to set the foundations of the policy recommendations that will guide this project.